Friday, May 16, 2014

What does “NARUTO” mean?

Today, I’d like to explain about NARUTO, which is one of the most popular Japanese anime in the world.
(If you don’t know about NARUTO, this article is not interesting to you)

By the way, do you know what the word “naruto” means in Japanese?
One of my foreign friends didn’t know that, even though she loves NARUTO very much.
Actually, “naruto” stands for this food in Japanese.

This is produced by fish paste, drawn a spiralmark.
And there are some interesting stories.

1) His favorite food
Naruto’s favorite food is noodle.
And actually, naruto is often put on noodles in Japan.

2) Naruto’s family name
As you know, his family name is “Uzumaki.”
Actually, “Uzumaki” means spiral in Japanese.

3) Spiral
As I explain, “Naruto = Uzumaki” stands for “Food which has spiral = Spiral.”
Look at his bandanna. There is a spiral mark.
Moreover, “Rasen-gan,” which is Naruto’s most powerful attack, means “Spiral Ball”!!

That’s all.
If you were to know the Japanese language and culture, you could understand and enjoy Japanese anime more and more.
Thank you for reading!

(If you want to know about other character or anime, please say it in comments.)